Periodontal disease showed inflammation of the gums, gum ulcers, necrosis and gums, loose teeth, bleeding gums may appear malignant pain and other symptoms. 牙周病表现为牙龈发炎、牙龈溃疡、牙龈坏死以及牙齿松动,并可出现牙龈出血疼痛和恶变等症状。
Objective: To investigate the expression of MMP-1 and MMP-8 in periodontal tissues in rats with periodontitis at different stages of inflammation with varied severity. 前言:目的:研究不同时期、不同严重程度的大鼠牙周炎模型的牙周组织中MMP-1及MMP-8的表达及分布特征,探讨MMP-1、MMP-8在牙周炎发生发展中的作用。
Periodontal disease results in chronic inflammation over many years, both in the mouth and potentially, systemically, as well. 牙周疾病导致多年慢性炎症,不仅在口腔发病,还会潜在引起全身发病。
Further investigation is needed to support periodontal treatment intervention as a means of controlling systemic inflammation. 需要进一步作研究证明牙周病的干预治疗可控制全身炎症反应。
An association with periodontal disease and heart disease has also been examined, with systemic inflammation being a potential mechanism behind the connection. 牙周疾病和心脏病之间的关联性也被研究过,系统炎症是关联背后的潜在机制。
Clinical study on the relation between periodontal inflammation and cardiovascular condition 牙周炎症与心血管系统健康的临床研究
Effect of periodontal inflammation on serum CRP levels in patients with coronary heart disease 牙周炎症对冠心病患者CRP水平影响的初探
Objective: To investigate the role of nitric oxide ( NO) in the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases by analyzing the relationship between NO level in gingival tissue and the gingival inflammation degree. 目的:检测分析牙龈组织NO含量与牙龈炎症程度的相关性,初步探讨NO在牙周病发病机理中的作用。
A Study on Nuclear transcriptor kappa B in Regulating the Pulpal, Periapical and Periodontal Inflammation 核转录因子kappab调控牙髓、尖周和牙周炎症机理的实验研究
Conclusion: IL 1 β might play an important role in the occurence and development of periodontitis. IL 1 β level in GCF may be a sensitive marker for periodontal tissue inflammation. 结论:IL-1β参与牙周炎的发生和发展,GCF中IL-1β可作为检查牙周病活动情况的一项较为敏感的指标。
Adult patients with secondary malocclusion resulting from periodontitis were treated by Edgewise fixable technique or fixable removable appliance after basics periodontal therapy and inflammation control. 对23例成人牙周病继发牙颌畸形的患者,在牙周基础治疗控制牙周炎症的基础上,应用Edgewise固定矫治器矫治或活动-固定矫治器联合矫治。
RESULTS: It was found that the periodontal inflammation of group C and D were improved significantly; 结果牙周炎大鼠灌服益肾清火方3个月后,与B组相比,C、D组的牙周组织炎症明显改善;
Dental plaque biofilm which adhere to the restoration can cause caries and periodontal tissue inflammation by the microbe-derived metabolic product. 黏附于修复体表面的牙菌斑可直接通过其代谢产物导致基牙龋坏、牙周组织炎症等。
In the sequential treatment strategies of periodontal disease, alleviating inflammation and controlling disease progression were basically achieved by taking various non-surgical treatments. 牙周病序列治疗中,以各种基础治疗手段,消除炎症,控制发展这一治疗目标已基本实现。
Objective: To investigate the expression and distribution of Il-6 in periodontal tissue of rats during orthodontic tooth movement and under the condition of inflammation, and to study the combined mechanism of inflammation and orthodontic force on the periodontal tissue remodeling in rats. 目的:探讨正畸牙移动及炎症条件下IL-6在大鼠牙周组织内的表达和分布,研究正畸力和炎症的对大鼠牙周组织改建的联合作用。